
We Are Upgrading the Water System of Our Spanish Farm

We Are Upgrading the Water System of Our Spanish Farm

4 minutes This week we are upgrading the water system on our Spanish farm. With this upgrade the water delivery will become much easier. Problem Since we started restoring the Finca, we have been transporting water and delivering it in small quantities by hand, which has become a significant challenge. Now that we’re spending more time working on various projects at our abandoned farm in Spain, the need to upgrade the water system has become essential. This upgrade is about ensuring a self-sustainable and Continue

We Have Running Water on Our Abandoned Farm in Spain

We Have Running Water on Our Abandoned Farm in Spain

4 minutes After planning, designing and building the first stage of the off grid water system for our abandoned farm in Spain, we finally have running water. It all started two years ago, whe we bought an abandoned land with the vision of turning it into a thriving self-sufficient homestead. We had no running water, no shelter, no electricity and not even a toilet, just endless possibilities and a lot of work ahead. Before doing anything, we had to solve the main basic need, which Continue

Building the Off Grid Water System for Our Abandoned Farm in Spain

Building the Off Grid Water System for Our Abandoned Farm in Spain

3 minutes We start building the off grid water system for our abandoned farm in Spain, and this article is about that. I am very happy with the progress of this water storage sytem. We are one step away from having running water at the Finca. Jim Rohn used to say that: Progress equals Happiness. How true this is. Because happiness is the feeling I have in my heart. With this first step completed, the vision of living off the grid on our abandoned Continue

We Are Preparing the IBC Totes to Store Rainwater

We Are Preparing the IBC Totes to Store Rainwater

1 minute This article is about building a water system with IBC totes. After doing some research, the next step in this rainwater harvisting system is to wrapping the IBC totes using black tarp to store water and rainwater. At the time of this PART 2 article, we have managed to wash and clean two of the IBC totes that will be used to store rainwater at our off grid farm in Spain. You can read the the PART 1 article Rainwater Harvesting System Continue

Starting Our Rainwater Harvesting System With IBC Totes

Starting Our Rainwater Harvesting System With IBC Totes

5 minutes Since we dont have running or drinking water on our abandoned farm in Spain, building the rainwater harvesting system became our first project. Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable water management solution for areas with limited access to water resources, like in our property. We are planning to start this rainwater harvesting project using intermediate bulk containers or IBC Totes as our water storage tanks. In this article, I will talk about the challenges and struggles of this first rainwater harvesting project. What Continue